For the Love of She

When I first held her in my arms her whole life flashed before me. I envisioned cooing, crawling, and learning to love. I envisioned walking, playing, and exploring the world. I envisioned laughing, learning, and rough housing with neighbor boys. I envisioned football, fraternities, and a successful career. I envisioned a loving and compassionate husband, father, and son. When I looked in my child’s eyes I saw the whole thing, but there was a hitch in my perfect little daydream. I was not holding a new born baby boy. I was holding Her. She was looking right back at me. I didn’t know it then, but she would change everything. Her love would motivate me in ways I never knew I could be. Her love would open my eyes and heart to a brand new world. I did not know that everyday I would wake up and thank the the day, because I would be the lucky one. I would get to be in presence of the love of She.